Super P Force

Super P Force

To treat premature ejaculation in men, Super P Force is the best and cheap generic drug. This wonderful tablet is a combination of two chemicals (Dapoxetine 100mg + Sildenafil Citrate 60mg). As this generic medication contains two main chemicals hence with the single dosage of the drug is sufficient to cure both erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. Cipla is a manufacturer of the drug and follows the guidelines of WHO.  Super P force 160mg is also known as dapoxetine tablets and are available in solid tablets form. It is mandatory to take the prescription from the physician before going to take the pill. Also, you should read all the information such as dosage tips, side effects, over dosage and storage tips of the medication carefully. To buy Super P Force 1600mg at cheap price, visit and order online today to cure premature ejaculation along with erectile dysfunction.

New CustomerExisting Customer
QuantityStrengthPriceUnit PricePriceUnit PriceShipping
16 Pills160mg583.62523.25Regular- 16USD,
Express - 22 USD
32 Pills160mg762.37682.12
48 Pills160mg1052.18951.97
72 Pills160mg1452.011321.83
100 Pills + 8 Free Pills160mg1901.751701.57
160 Pills + 8 Free Pills160mg2861.72571.43
200 Pills + 12 Free Pills160mg3351.583050.97
300 Pills + 12 Free Pills160mg4951.664451.44
400 Pills + 16 Free Pills160mg5621.355051.21

Nowadays, premature ejaculation is one of the biggest problems of men of all age. Age is nothing to do with this disorder. Important is how to cope with this problem. Super P force which a generic remedy to take on PE and ED. It is an approved drug but should be consumed only under a valid prescription.


As the drug comes in the form of hard pills, thus water is used to gulp this medication. Please take an advice from your physician about the dosage of Super P Force. However, one pill of the drug is sufficient for 24 hours. It is the general dosage and recommended by health experts. Never take two or more than two dosage of the generic pill within 24 hours as more than single dose of the drug within 24 hour comes under the over dosage of the drug. Avoid over dosage to safeguard yourself from the severe side effects of dapoxetine. In case, single dose is not giving you the best of it, then, we recommend you to see your physician instead of increasing the drug dosage. We never recommend over dosage of Super P Force to our patients in any case.

Possible Side Effects of Super P Force

Like any other drug, Super P Force has some side effects, although, they are not very severe but can hazard your health to some extent.  Some of the most common side effects that every patient can come across like head ache, blurred vision, longer erection than 4 hours, vomiting and upset stomach etc. If you find any one of these side effects after the intake of Super P Force then it is quite normal and they can automatically gone as the effect of the drug slow down.
However, if you observe any one of the above side effect longer than 7 to 8 hours, we request you to please consult the physician as soon as possible.

Storage Tips

Storage of the drug is as important as other points. You should know how to store Super P Force properly so that you can use this medication for longer time. Store this generic drug under the room temperature and keep away from the direct sun light. Never break these pills into parts and if you find broken pills then dispose them properly. At, we provide Super P Force pills of long expiry dates, thus, it is very important that you should store pills properly for the longer use.


As far as precautions are concerned, store them gently and check for the expiry of the Super P Force medication. Never consume expired medication and dispose expired pills gently.  You should dispose them very carefully so that no one can get them. Also keep these pills away from children, women and from the reach of animals. It may cause severe side effects to them. Men allergic to Sildenafil Citrate or dapoxetine should not use this drug.

Patients Words about Super P Force

John Paulo – USA

I am a regular user of Super P force tablet. This time I ordered from The quality of the medicine is excellent and I also got free pills of dapoxetine online as a surprise from this online pharmacy. I am very happy with these generic pills as my premature ejaculation problem is no more a nightmare for me.

Kevin Anderson – USA

I ordered Super P Force pills online first time. I was suffering from loss of libido and early ejaculation problem. I tried many pills to get rid of this problem. One day, my friend suggested me to order Super P Force online and so I did it from The problem of premature ejaculation which seems to be very irritating for me is healed by the single dosage of the drug. I am very happy that now I am again enjoying my married life. I would suggest that every PE patient should give it a try. It really works.