Generic Viagra

Generic Viagra

Generic Viagra is a drug that brings the sexual life of men on the right track. Erectile dysfunction set a blow on men’s virility hampering their power of penetration. In order to have hold on erections, generic Viagra is taken. Generic Viagra is a powerful phenomenon created exclusively for men struggling with sexual life issues. This drug is a generic version of its brand called Viagra. However, the generic adaptation is equally effective and a good choice in cheap price.
Generic Viagra is an essential addition in the list of selection of men looking for relief from impotence. Men can place their trust on generic Viagra. The drug is available in various doses of 25mg, 50mg and 100mg. Mild erectile dysfunction can be treated with 25mg dose. 100mg dose treats severe erectile dysfunction. Men have varied options in the drug to choose from.

New CustomerExisting Customer
QuantityStrengthPriceUnit PricePriceUnit PriceShipping
30 Pills + 10 Free Pills100mg$55.00$1.35$50.00$1.25
50 Pills + 10 Free Pills100mg$73.00$1.21$65.00$1.08
70 Pills + 10 Free Pills100mg$76.00$0.95$67.00$0.83
100 Pills + 20 Free Pills100mg$101.00$0.84$90.00$0.75
200 Pills + 30 Free Pills100mg$172.00$0.74$157.00$0.68
300 Pills + 40 Free Pills100mg$242.00$0.71$219.00$0.64
500 Pills + 50 Free Pills100mg$380.00$0.69$351.00$0.63
600 Pills + 70 Free Pills100mg$460.00$0.68$417.00$0.62

Right Intake for the right results

The drug is recommended to be taken as per physician’s instruction. Starting with any dose without good word can impact health adversely. Physicians suggest the dose after checking entire health history. They look for the cause of the problem and, after reaching the satisfaction level suggest the dosage.
In large part, generic Viagra starting dosage is 50mg. In rare cases 100mg is prescribed. Usually men get to know about their erectile unbalance in the start and seek dosage from physician. Men should stick to the prescribed dosage and if find a need to make changes in the dose, first should see a doctor.
Generic Viagra can be taken empty stomach or on light stomach. Taking the drug on heavy stomach is not suggested as the drug is unable to work. Also, oily foods, junk foods etc need to be avoided prior taking generic Viagra. Take the pill with a glass of water. Avoid other solutions as water is universal solvent. Pill immediately gets dissolved and comes into force in little time.
No fix timings are advised with generic Viagra. This drug can be taken anytime as per the need. However, a gap of complete 24 hours is mandatory to be kept between the intakes of two pills. Adhering to the suggested dose is most important.

What to do for the drug longevity?

Generic Viagra comes with a long expiry date. However, if it is not stored the right way can become ineffective in a short time. Storage of generic Viagra is carefully taken into consideration. Foremost, the drug should be stored in a temperature range of 25 to 30 degree Celsius. Much colder or much hotter temperatures can blow the drug into uselessness. Take care of it. Secondly, an air tight box or container is required to store the drug package. The outside air does not come in contact with the pill in air tight box keeping the pills safe. Dry, clean and dark place is best for storing the medication. Dampness and high temperature places are harmful for the drug. So, kitchen area and bathrooms are No for storing generic Viagra.

Side effects

Generic Viagra is safe. Side effects are seldom heard about, however, if go theoretically, yes, the drug does have certain side effects. The range can vary from mild to serious side effects.
Mild side effects of generic Viagra include- headache, runny nose, light sensitivity, little dizziness, blur vision, and so on. Usually these effects do not last long. They occur for a short time period and disappear after a while on own. They become a cause of worry if last for a long time. See your doctor in that case as soon as possible.
The drug has some serious consequences as well. Severe dizziness, vomiting, chest pain, heart attack, redness in eyes, skin rashes, etc are some serious side effects of the drug. Extreme caution is required in their case. Immediate trip to the doctor is necessary. Serious effects are seldom seen. More often than not are resulted due to mismanagement in the dosage intake.
Important preventive actions
Generic Viagra is only for men. Women and children are not supposed to take this drug as it may harm their health badly.
This ED drug is for men above 18 years only.
Elderly men, above 65, should seek medical advice before intake of the drug.
Do not take this ED drug along with grapefruit or grapefruit juice. Their mixture is harmful.
Alcohol and generic Viagra together create havoc in the body. Never take them together.
Direct intake of nitrates, or medications or other products containing nitrates also should be eschewed if taking generic Viagra.
Over dosage of generic Viagra can become life threatening. In any condition never exceed the dose suggested.
Except treating erectile dysfunction, do not try the drug for other sexual problems.
Generic Viagra does not protect against diseases like HIV and AIDS, therefore, take preventive measures for them while taking generic Viagra.
Discard the drug appropriately. Do not flush it.

Where to find genuine generic Viagra?
Although, there are millions of online pharmacies selling generic Viagra, but at our trusted online pharmacy you will get the best quality drug at cheap price. We directly deal with the manufacturers and thus the prices of Sildenafil Citrate at are very less as compared to the rest of the online pharmacies. People trust us and that is why we served millions of people worldwide. To get the best quality Viagra 100mg, place the order with us and within 8 to 10 business days you will get the authentic generic Viagra at your home without any hassle.