How to Lose Weight Fast

A healthy life asks for a fit body. You cannot expect to stay disease free without being physically fit. When you are overweight, you attract many diseases that can be lethal. Diabetes, hypertension, cancer, and heart diseases are few of such diseases. Your perfect weight is calculated in accordance with your height and it is called body mass index (BMI). A normal BMI is 18 to 25 generally and 30 or above is considered obese. It is always recommended to maintain your BMI within proposed limits to lead a healthy life.

Obesity is one emerging problem all over the world. Modern lifestyle is encouraging obesity. Along with this, various other diseases are on rise as well due to their association with being overweight. Doctors always recommend you to lose weight first in order to cure or control obesity associated disease. Once you become obese, losing the weight is a tough job and asks for lots of determination and consistency. You have to change your lifestyle in order to reach your ideal weight. Following are a few tips that will help you lose weight fast.

Cut Down On Fats and Carbs

Make sure that your diet only contains necessary amount of fats and carbs that are required for proper body functioning. These both sources of energy are implicated in storing fats in your body.

Take High Amount of Protein

Add a bigger portion of proteins in your diet. Protein is good as it doesn’t cause fat storage in your body and rather increases muscle mass.

Make a Diet Plan

A diet plan with calculated caloric values is necessary to lose weight fast. It makes sure that you only take necessary amount of calories and not any extra amount.

Space Your Meals Regularly

Regularly spaced meals help you lose weight faster when compared with haphazardly taken meals. So make sure that you have fixed times for your food.

Gym Is Necessary

Gym is necessary if you want to lose weight fast. While choosing right diet stops deposition of excessive fats, gym melts the already deposited fats.

Don’t Starve!

Starving is not a healthy way to lose weight. If you lose weight by starving, you will put it back on in no time. So avoid it.

Take Gym Selfies

Yes, they help! While you take gym selfies regularly and compare the old ones with the new ones, the change motivates you to do it even better.

Don’t Skip Your Breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day that doesn’t deserve to be skipped. Take some low calorie breakfast on regular basis. It will help losing weight faster.

Say No to Junk Food

In modern lifestyle, junk foods are one major reason behind obesity. Promise yourself that you will say no to junk foods. Clean your fridge of all unhealthy snacks and divert your way from junk food aisle while doing grocery shopping.

Don’t Eat Before Going To Bed

Eating before the bed time is a major cause of weight gain as the food doesn’t get efficiently utilized. Stop eating a few hours before going to bed.

Use Unprocessed Food

Processed food contains many such ingredients that cause obesity. Try using as much natural products as possible. Use whole wheat instead of refined one.

Get Yourself Checked

Hormonal imbalances are a major cause behind obesity. If you think your lifestyle is active and you don’t overeat but still are obese, get yourself checked. You might be suffering from some underlying hormonal disorder.

Drink Water before Meal

Never drink water during or right after a meal. Always have water before your meal, preferably half an hour before. Water interferes with proper digestion of your food and hence causes obesity.

Have a Proper Sleep

A proper sleep is very necessary for a healthy life. Poor sleeping routine is a very strong risk factor behind weight gain. So always make sure you are having appropriate amount of sleep.

Say No to Sugary Stuff

Take sugar out of your life. It is not a need. Your caloric requirements are already being fulfilled with your regular meal. So cut down on desserts and sugary juices. Also, say goodbye to carbonated drinks.

Take Green Tea

Green tea is very good for health. It has a role in weight loss as well. So replace your regular tea with green tea and notice the difference.